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MEG usage examples

Create a mock events

Once installed, you may access the mock-event-generatiom entering the meg-0 pod with the command

kubectl exec -it meg-0 -- bash

Once you are inside the following commands will generate MOCK G-events in the local instance gracedb instance `gracedb.default.svc.cluster.local

meg ca-certificate /tmp/ca.crt
ligo-proxy-init albert.einstein
meg create --source production --target local --original-search S240428dr  

alternatevely, the target instance may be specified using the command

meg create --source production --target https://<graceDB name server>/  --original-search S240428dr

where <graceDB name server> is the name of the server hosting graceDB, for a local deployment it is gracedb.default.svc.cluster.local while on CIT server it is gracedb-dev.ldas.cit

Generate a ca-certificate bundle (including the certification for the local instance) and copy to the

local directory

kubectl exec -it meg-0 -- bash
meg ca-certificate /tmp/ca.crt 
cat $(python -m requests.certs) /tmp/ca.crt > cacerts.pem
REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=cacerts.pem gracedb -s https://<graceDB name server>/api credentials server
ligo-proxy-init albert.einstein
# outside MEG copy the server certificate on the local directory
kubectl cp default/meg-0:cacerts.pem cacerts.pem
where albert.einstein is your albert.einstein LIGO username and <graceDB name server> is the name of the server hosting graceDB, for a local deployment it is gracedb.default.svc.cluster.local while on CIT server it is gracedb-dev.ldas.cit

See accessible topics on kafka listeners

Inside the meg-0 container (that may be started with the command),

kubectl exec -it meg-0 -- bash
The basic fuctionality may be tested giving the commands:
pip install hop-client igwn-alert

.local/bin/hop list-topics  --no-auth   kafka://hopskotch:9092
.local/bin/hop list-topics  --no-auth   kafka://<graceDB name server>:9092
.local/bin/igwn-alert  --no-auth  -g default -s   kafka://<graceDB name server>:9092 topics
<graceDB name server> is the name of the server hosting graceDB, for a local deployment it is gracedb.default.svc.cluster.local while on CIT server it is gracedb-dev.ldas.cit