Request a personal VM on LDAS resources¶
To request a VM to work on your local LLAI development, please open a Computing Help Desk ticket.
The ticket should look like:
Title: VM provisioning at CIT for local LLAI development
Request of a fluxuserX machine to support personal development of LLAI components.
- single node Kubernetes cluster (K3S)
- RL8.9
- 16 vcores
- 32GB RAM
- 64GB disk
- open to anyone with a cluster account
- /scratch/lalsimulation (available)
- /cvmfs/ (available)
- /dev/shm/kafka/ (O3Replay and O4 streams available)
- alias gracedb-devX.ldas.cit
You can tag the chairs of the Low Latency working group to ensure they are informed of your request and support it.